Tuesday, October 9, 2018

La Angostura and General Conference


GOOD NEWS last week I said that President Nelson is coming to Lima on the 20th of this month but sadly we were not going to be able to go, well that changed!! For this conference with the prophet there will be 5 missions in total, if your mission says the word "Lima" you're invited. North, East, South, West and Central. Needless to say we were ecstatic to receive the news. Also, this means I will be in the same room as the prophet and Elder Sprehn! Whether I will be able to talk to either of those 2 men is another story that we will yet to find out.

OTHER GOOD NEWS I also mentioned that we would not be able to watch all of general conference if any, that also changed and we watched the 2 general sessions on Saturday. I am sure everyone is anxiously waiting for January 2019 for 2 hour church. I really like the principle emphasized about the gospel being centered on living it in the home and backed up by the resources and classes in the church buildings and organizations. Both the Saturday sessions were amazing. If there were any other changes on Sunday, I am just know figuring out in this time to email.
But no matter how cool general conference is as a missionary I will never be able to adequately explain to my investigators how amazing of an experience it really is. This whole week we really wanted to focus on the importance of living day prophets explaining principles like "if we lived at the time of Moses and he was going to give a talk, surely we would all do everything in our part to go listen. We testify that today there is someone who holds the same office that Moses held" stuff like that. Yet, I still don't even know how many of our investigators saw it because we won't be able to verify until we have a lesson.
That German Shepherd joke was a classic.
Another setback to watching general conference was that this weekend was elections here in Peru. That wasn't too fun. Yesterday we spent all day in our house, we couldn't leave.

NEWS As far as the work goes we had a pretty good week this week. A few weeks ago we found a girl named Carolina, she is 20 years old and her dad just barely died a week before we had taught her so she was really sad. She has basically no family or friends here in Ica so our first priority was to get her connected with the YSA. Here in Ica I am noticing we have the difficulty of finding a lot of news but very rarely do they ever progress or do we ever have a second lesson with them. Carolina on the other hand has been a little more receptive and she even brought her 10 year old niece to listen to our message. I'll keep you posted next week on if we are able to get her to go to church. That and this month there are a lot of different conferences like general conference, this week is stake conference, next week they are going to retransmit the Sunday session of general conference. So in total, we will have one sacrament meeting in all of October.

MORE GOOD NEWS We have a lot of fun Elder Jennings and I, we are always laughing about something. I'm not gonna lie gringos are pretty cool.
I still have yet to find the way of working efficiently in this huge area. We have an investigator (well I have never met her) but she lives 45 minutes away so we would have to set aside like 2 hours alone just to go teach her. I had the idea of maybe choosing specific days that we can go proselyte and teach in each of our zones.

GREAT NEWS One of the highlights this week was that Familia Leon way back from Pamplona sent me letters, it was super fun to hear from them not gonna lie made me tear up a little bit ha ha. Nikson is still a beast going to church all the time, Ericka is also going every now and then but the others were brutally honest saying that have deactivated I think they mean gone inactive but whatever ha ha.

I hope you all understand and cherish how blessed we are to be in such a time where we can listen to such classy men like a prophet. I have no doubt he is called of God. And hey, who can complain about 2 hour church.
Next week  o  I will send pictures. I have seen a lot of things picture worthy but I never have my camera. I'll make the effort this week.


Elder Kreyton

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